Programs for Corporates
Enfold has been discussing sexuality with children, adolescents, and adults since 2001 in a culturally relevant, respectful, and scientific manner, thereby breaking the silence and stigma around this topic.
To foster social transformation, our curriculum upholds human rights, gender equity, and respect for the child.
We offer sessions on the following services to corporate employees and management:-
- Capacity Building Sessions
- Support with Safety Systems
Capacity Building Sessions
Safety and Sexuality:
- Being safe: strengthening the body and the spirit, being a proactive bystander. Understanding one’s rights and responsibilities under the POSH Act.
- Gender equity: righting a historic wrong, redefining humanity -beyond masculinity and femininity
- Demystifying sexuality: answering questions you wanted to, but never asked!
Skills at work:
- Use and abuse of power: respect, obedience, and relationships
- The science and art of communication: understanding our social brain
- Constructive anger: learning to channel energy
Social responsibility and positive parenting:
- Nurturing children, peers, and others
- Restorative parenting – building self-motivation and self-discipline, beyond reward and punishment
- Child sexual abuse: prevention strategies for parents, families, and communities
Health, lifestyle, and well-being:
- Protective foods, foods that enhance brain function and immunity
- Ergonomics at work and at home
‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment At Workplace’ (PoSH) WorkshopS
Support with Safety Systems
Staff Safety Systems:
Enfold supports Corporate Houses and organizations in setting up safety systems pertaining to the personal safety of its staff. It helps organizations formulate and adopt a Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy, set up an Internal Committee, and follow the mandatory and recommended guidelines as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 (POSH Act). Enfold also nominates its senior faculty to be the External Member of the Internal Committee and provides the following services:
- Review/formulate the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy
- Provide employee training material on the POSH policy and Act.
- Conduct awareness sessions about sexual harassment at workplaces and its consequences for employees (one session of 90 minutes for about 100 employees every quarter).
- Introduce employees to the Stri Suraksha App – with exhaustive information on rights, laws, safety tips, interventions, prevention of abuse, and healing for women.
- Consultation/ advice to the Internal Complaints Committee on an ongoing basis to ensure adherence to the POSH Policy of the Company and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.
- Attend regular Committee meetings once every quarter.
- Attend meetings as required when an incident is reported and help in resolving the same.
- Support to the parties involved in case of a complaint and guidance as and when required.
- Assist in analyzing and putting together the report on all complaints as required for submission to concerned authorities at the end of the year.
- Ensure availability of a senior faculty as External Member in case the deputed person is not available.
Staff Safety Audit:
Enfold offers a unique sexual safety audit for organizations, called Staff Personal Safety Practice Improvement Review Process. Scope of Review: Enfold will review the safety practices followed in the organization against the recommendations outlined in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013, and provide recommendations for improvement of safety practices at the end of this review. The implementation of the recommendations remains the responsibility of the organization.
It involves these steps:
- The organization will do a self-evaluation using a Safety Diagnostic Tool provided by Enfold.
- A one-day face-to-face interaction with the Enfold team will be organized during which:
- Documentation of several aspects pertaining to safety will be checked (a comprehensive list will be given before the date).
- Standard operating procedures will be discussed
- Sensitization and training schedules for concepts of sexual harassment and guidelines of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 (POSH Act) will be reviewed
- A focused Group discussions of a half an hour each will be held with the management, staff, and support staff; to understand their knowledge of standard operating protocols and procedures under the POSH Act.
- A meeting with the Internal Committee will be held to understand the handling of prior incidents and review of documentation.
- verbal feedback will be given at the end of the two days to the management along with suggestions/ concerns.
- A detailed report will be sent by Enfold within 1 week of the review.
- Post audit help with designing structures/procedures and training can be provided if required by the organization.
Enfold would suggest this review be conducted yearly to ensure robust safety practices.
For details please contact